How the Ellen Show, Youtube and Jessica Cox Made a Difference
If you’ve seen Right Footed, then you know the story of Grace, who in 2008 was born without arms just like Jessica Cox. Like Jessica’s parents Inez and Bill, Grace’s parents Greg and Patricia Day were devastated to learn that they were going to have a child born with a birth defect. But while the Cox family felt terribly alone for years — because she was born in 1983 it was over a decade before they finally saw someone like Jessica on TV — for the Day family a role model was only a click away. A single Youtube video showing Jessica Cox appearing on The Ellen Show, and talking with Ellen DeGe-
neres about how she could get dressed, drive a car, type and live independently with her feet and ten toes, provided the kind of reassurance that no doctor ever could. Thanks to that video, Greg Day managed to get in touch with Jessica and arranged for her to visit with Grace in 2012. The two formed an instant bond, one captured for our cameras, and spent several days together. In the end not only did Grace learn a lot from Jessica, but her parents were touched by her presence. It was made completely clear that despite her issue, their little girl could grow up to be independent and live a truly full and complete life.
Today Grace and her family remain in touch with Jessica, and Grace is absolutely flourishing. Her dad Greg recently sent us a photo showing Grace with the DVD we mailed. It’s now our hope that someone else out there with a challenge is watching the film, and drawing some of the same lessons that Grace and her family derived from watching the Ellen Show.