Jessica Cox & “Right Footed” Win Best Documentary Award
BREAKING NEWS! JESSICA COX & “RIGHT FOOTED” WIN BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM AT MIRABILE DICTU FILM FESTIVAL — Just got off the phone with Jessica Cox who is in the Vatican City for the Mirabile Dictu Film Festival. She excitedly explained that Right Footed received the “Il Pesce d’Argento” (The Silver Fish, in Italian) for Best Documentary. We are so humbled to receive this honor and absolutely thrilled for Jessica!
We hope to have more information about the prize in the near future. Jessica said that the award ceremony was held in an ancient room adjacent to St. Peter’s that was filled with priceless art. All the proceedings were held in Italian so she had no inkling that the film had won until the last moment, when the trailer was played to the assembled throng. She barely had time to think before having to go accept the award and make remarks!
The event should be covered in a number of prominent newspapers including Britain’s “Guardian” in the coming days, and we hope to share some of the articles.
Congratulations to Jessica, the Right Footed team, and everyone who helped make this event possible.
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